freeonlinevideopokergamesforfun| Passengers from Chengdu and Guangxi have increased by 49 direct routes, and the visa-free policy activates the inbound tourism market

作者:editor 时间:24-04-22 阅读数:4人阅读

[visa-free policy activates inbound tourism, and the number of tourists from Chengdu and Guangxi has increased significantly]

freeonlinevideopokergamesforfun| Passengers from Chengdu and Guangxi have increased by 49 direct routes, and the visa-free policy activates the inbound tourism market

With the implementation of the visa-free policy and the gradual resumption of international routes, the number of inbound passengers in Chengdu and Guangxi has increased significantly. Especially after the flight from Chengdu to Auckland, New Zealand took off on April 17, the number of regular international and regional direct passenger routes operated by Chengdu has increased to 49. In addition, Guangxi also attracts because of its land and sea links with ASEAN countries.FreeonlinevideopokergamesforfunMore and more ASEAN tourists enter China through the visa-free policy.

The implementation of the visa-free policy not only brings about tourism in Chengdu and Guangxi.FreeonlinevideopokergamesforfunIt has not only created new growth points, but also injected new vitality into the local economic development. The increase in the number of inbound tourists will promote the development of local catering, accommodation, transportation and other related industries, and further promote the prosperity of the local economy.

At the same time, the implementation of the visa-free policy also helps to enhance China's international image and influence. By attracting more foreign tourists, China can better display its rich culture and beautiful natural scenery, enhance foreign tourists' understanding and recognition of China, and thus enhance China's international image.

However, the implementation of the visa-free policy also requires relevant departments to strengthen management and services to ensure the safety and convenience of inbound passengers. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen education and guidance for inbound tourists so that they can better understand China's laws, regulations and cultural customs, so as to promote cultural exchanges and friendship between China and foreign countries.

Generally speaking, the implementation of the visa-free policy is of great significance in promoting inbound tourism and local economic development. In the future, with the further resumption of international routes and the continuous improvement of the visa-free policy, inbound tourism is expected to usher in more room for development.

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