hardybougle312| Net sales were 5.285 billion yuan! Northbound funds have reduced positions for three consecutive days, and Shenzhen Stock Connect has reduced positions more than Shanghai Stock Connect.

作者:editor 时间:24-04-18 阅读数:3人阅读

Northbound funds sold a net 52% on April 18.Hardybougle3128500 million yuanHardybougle312This is the reduction operation for three consecutive days. Specifically, the net sale of Shanghai shares is 15%.Hardybougle312.33 billion yuan, while Shenzhen Stock Exchange made a net sale of 3.752 billion yuan.

Northbound funds reduced their positions for three consecutive days

The reduction is the net sale of northbound funds for three consecutive days, indicating the market's wait-and-see attitude towards the current stock market.

hardybougle312| Net sales were 5.285 billion yuan! Northbound funds have reduced positions for three consecutive days, and Shenzhen Stock Connect has reduced positions more than Shanghai Stock Connect.

Net sales of Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect

In terms of Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect, the net sale of Shanghai Stock Connect was 1.533 billion yuan, while that of Shenzhen Stock Connect was 3.752 billion yuan. This shows that the reduction of positions in Shenzhen Stock Exchange is even greater.

The wait-and-see attitude of the market towards the stock market

The continuous reduction of northbound funds reflectsHardybougle312The market's wait-and-see attitude towards the current stock market. Investors need to pay close attention to the follow-up trend of the stock market in order to make better investment decisions.

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